Can you Eat Normally After a PET Scan?

A Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scan is among the most effective methods for detecting cancer. Because glucose often accelerates the development of cancer cells, doctors inject glucose into the patient’s body prior to the PET scan. The PET scan aids in the identification of cell types that use a lot of glucose. As a result, eating before a PET scan is not advised since it tends to upset your body’s glucose balance and provide unreliable findings.

How to prepare for a PET Scan?

When it comes to PET scan preparations, your physician will advise you to follow a strict diet. The best diet before a PET scan is one that is low in carbohydrates.

Twelve hours prior to the appointment

  • The doctor would advise you to consume little carbs in your diet. You may consume meat, hard cheese, eggs, tofu, butter, and non-starchy vegetables at this time.
  • Cereal, milk, bread, spaghetti, and other sugary meals are a few of the foods you should stay away from.
  • If you are permitted to have breakfast and your scan is planned for a late afternoon appointment, you could be advised to follow a low-carbohydrate diet.

Six hours prior to the appointment:

  • Prior to your PET scan visit, you won’t be allowed to consume anything. You may, however, hydrate with water.
  • Take copies of the most recent MRI and CT scan reports as well.
  • foods that you can eat
  • Actually, you don’t have to avoid food before a PET scan. You may eat a variety of meals, some of which are high in protein. A diet that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates guarantees that your blood sugar levels stay stable. So you can have turkey, duck, cheese, steak, chicken, fish, eggs, asparagus, mushrooms, and broccoli. Healthy eating options include fried whole eggs and baked chicken.

Foods you must avoid

Avoid eating foods with a low protein level and a high carbohydrate content. This is because eating such items might induce an imbalance in your body’s glucose levels, which can result in inaccurate findings. Pasta, potatoes, rice, waffles, oats, raisins, bagels, and bread are a few examples of foods with a high carbohydrate content. Sugar, coffee, and cigarettes are a few additional items that might affect the outcomes of a PET scan. Thus, it is better to stay away from these meals. Additionally, you should avoid undertaking any vigorous exercise 24 hours before the scan.

Also See: Why do cancer patients need a PET scan?

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