PET CT Scan Instructions for Patients | Precautions after PET Scan
Patient Instructions
Patient Preparation is a very important step for acquiring proper scans to deliver the best possible diagnostic efficacy and study quality for our patients. The following are the common preparations required.
Gamma camera scans
- It is advised to call beforehand for appointments and ask about the required specification for each scan.
- For most of gamma camera scans no fasting is required and patient can have breakfast in morning before scan.
- Patient should take good care of hydration for kidney and bone scans and should have plenty of fluids.
- For cardiac/heart scans specific instructions has to be followed – patient should come empty stomach. Few medications (b blockers and nitrates) need to be stopped for scans. Patient should call center and follow the instruction strictly for proper scan.
- For thyroid scans patient has to be off medicine for few days before scanning and is advised to book scans.
- Patients are requested to bring all their documents and investigations along with them. This is required to provide comprehensive reporting of patient
PET-CT scan instructions for patients
For Female Patients:
- Pregnancy should be ruled out first. In case of any doubt it is advised to postpone till confirmation of no pregnancy.
- If mother is breastfeeding then it has to be stopped for 12 hours after PET-CT. Arrangements can be made so that baby can be fed with expressed milk for this time period.
- PET- CT appointment should be made in advance atleast a day before. This is mandatory to get the dye for patient which is procured from outside daily.
- In case patient is getting chemotherapy, it is advised to get 18FFDG PET-CT 14 days after the last cycle. Similarly after radiotherapy, PET CTshould be done two – three months after radiotherapy for response assessment.
- For FDG PET-CT, nondiabetic patients should come fasting for 6 hours atleast . Patient should not consume any food, coffee, tea, fruit or liquids other than plain (unflavoured) water for at least 4-6 h prior to the start of the FDG PET/CT study.
- Patient should only take light meal night before testing and should not eat after midnight.
- Parenteral nutrition and intravenous fluids containing glucose should be discontinued at least 4 h before the time of FDG injection.
- Patients must avoid strenuous exercise for at least 6 h before the FDG PET/CT study, and preferably for 24 h.
- Patient undergoing PET-CT will require special control of sugar level. If level if too low (<70mg/dl) or too high (>200mg/dl), rescheduling of PET CT scanmight be undertaken.
- Patients with diabetes are advised :
- Type II diabetes mellitus (controlled by oral medication)
- Patients must comply with the fasting rules indicated above.
- Metformin should be discontinued at the time of the procedure and withheld for 48 h after the procedure if IV contrast agent is also indicated.
- Type I diabetes mellitus and insulin-dependent type II diabetes mellitus : The patient can have normal breakfast after the PET/CT study and inject the normal amount of insulin
- Prior to the FDG PET/CT study, blood level should be controlled in consultation with patient’s physician.
- On night before testing, intermediate-acting insulin should be taken by patient.
- Patient should come fasting in morning and will be injected FDG early.
- Patient should come at designated time of their appointment. If patient gets delayed or is not able to come for whatever reason then center is not liable for decay of dye and advanced payment will not be refunded. Patient can however, cancel the test a day before till 7 pm.
- Patients are requested to bring all their disease documents and investigations along with them. This is required to provide comprehensive reporting of scan.
- Patient report can be collected next day from reception counter.